The World’s First Crypto-Stock is here!
Introducing: Sabinbux!
It started off as a joke, then a concept — and now? A reality. Now, developments can be sped up, while also rewarding our investors beyond our products themselves.
We thank our partners at Wilbine, LLC for their investment into our endeavors.
What exactly is SABX?
It is a token built on the Ethereum blockchain, with the intent of taking the behavior of a stock for Oujoulia, LLC. The token reserve holds the initial storage of SABX, mints more when the quantity falls short and burns excess when absolutely necessary. This system is tethered to a business associated financial balance, where the incline or decline of the balance impacts the value of the token. It is, as of writing this — The first of its kin.
Why was SABX developed?
Funding! It is difficult to attain funding through methods of promising products that don’t currently exist or are in-development. However, it is impossible to develop without funding. This was the middle-ground, a method to provide for investors as well as ourselves. Now, we can develop, while investors invest — which provides us funding to feed into our products, which in turn, becomes profit! That profit feeds back into the value of SABX, ending up in the pockets of investors!
Can I mine SABX?
No, it is a token, not a coin. This means that it can be bought or traded, but not mined like Ethereum or Bitcoin.
What makes it different than other Crypto-Coins?
Other Cryptocurrencies tend to fluctuate in value based on supply-and-demand. SABX fluctuates in value based on our profits versus our losses. The better Oujoulia’s profits, the better the turnout.
How legitimate is SABX?
Don’t take our word for it! Take a look at this link here to see for yourself.