A direct opposition and rebellion against The Order of Pax. Though, they were not nearly as organized nor specific in their intent — the overarching goal for freedom of utilization was clear. Absolutely driven to avoid regulation of power-sets, for reasons that spanned the individual interests of the ideology, hundreds of Celestials joined the cause. The risk of the ‘Amunae Singularity’ event occurring is dismissed as either impossible or false. Some beliefs claim that the order exists solely for control — that a single Celestial sought to reign over all of Reality and its deities or even a small group.
Without control and regulation over the Celestials, the cosmos could be formed and the use of Astarae could paint across Reality as though it were merely their canvas. Through their ‘artistry’ came the birth of mortality across the many constructs of Reality. To cease their art, in sake of regulation, would mean the end of new life and mortal existence as well as space-borne phenomena. Though, applying regulation, could also mean the ceasing of suffering at the hands of inquisitive deities.