Term Definitions
Area Emote
The portrayal of a scene in a theatrical manner, or in this case: Creative Writing. Think of yourselves as directors, directing your own television show, where your settlement is the prime of your focus. You’re in a collaboration with all of their other co-directors playing along with their own characters / groups.
Character Hopping
This is the process, in which, a Syndicate takes control of an NPC within their influence. While taking control, they can manipulate the body of the Pawn in all of the same ways that a Champion Mode character can mess around with their own. The only difference is that the pawn’s stats will never increase by normal means.
Charisma Level
A system that dictates the odds of a Champion Mode character being successful in recruiting a Pawn into a Follower. The higher the level, the more likely it is that they can recruit members, and the more they can have following them at any given time. It also affects prices with NPCs, allowing the player to persuade their way into having cheaper costs compared to their kin.
Combat Level
A standard leveling system that can work alone, in a PvP setting, or work hand-in-hand with the player’s Roleplay Level in an RP server. When leveled up, the player’s bestowed with Stat Points, which can be distributed amongst their Strength, Endurance, Might, Resistance, Offense and Defense. This level is exclusive to Champion Mode players.
Construction Role (Pawn)
This is a pawn that has been given a role enabled to work on structural / building tasks. All building tasks have a minimum builder number requirement, and have a real-time build requirement as well. Thus, when a structure is planned, these workers will dedicate their time and efforts to work on the stucture for the day, before resting during the night cycle.
Economy Role (Pawn)
This pawn has not been assigned a role, and thus simply takes it upon itself to find a job within your syndicate, trade, smith, etc.
The portrayal of emotion, action and character in a theatrical manner, or in this case: Creative Writing. Think of yourselves as directors, directing your own television show, where your character or settlement is the prime of your focus. You’re in a collaboration with all of their other co-directors playing along with their own characters / settlements.
Former Pawns of a Syndicate that joined up with a Champion Mode player. Unlike ordinary pawns, they can be named, and grow with the Champion Mode player over time. Their level of power is dictated by the combination of the player’s Charisma Level and Combat Level. When converted, they do not deduct from a Syndicate’s population, but rather spawn another Pawn in their place.
Governmental Role (Pawn)
This is a pawn that has been given a political role. In most cases, they are simply referred to as a politician. Their presence allows the player to have an iron grip on their influence, so long as they remain alive. The more of them there are, the lower the odds of Radicalization or Rebellion event will occur. However, if there are too many, the Syndicate will run moreso on auto-pilot without the player’s input, and sometimes even delay/ignore their input/projects/queues, in favor of their own intentions.
This is what keeps a Syndicate in power. It can be affected by rises or drops in population, the presence (or lack thereof) politicians and an insufficient Influence Level. If it is too low, events such Radicalization or Rebellion may occur which can start to threaten the integrity of a Syndicate by throwing the supporting population into flux.
Influence Level
This increases the maximum threshold of ‘Influence’ that a Syndicate can have at any given time. The higher the level, the higher population a Syndicate can support. However, the higher it is, the stronger automated events can be.
Military Role (Pawn)
This pawn has been dedicated to combative means. They allow a Syndicate to invoke wrath upon other Champion Mode characters, other syndicate militiaries or even other Syndicate populations. Losses of these pawns during battle does not reduce the acting syndicate’s influence.
These are standard NPCs controlled by Syndicate Mode players. Their stats are the equivalent of a newly spawned Champion Mode player, but do not increase over time via ordinary means.
This is the raw number of people under the allegiance of your Syndicate. This may rise or fall depending on the actions taken by, on, against or for the Syndicate. If it falls below 30% minimum capacity, the Syndicate disperses.
Radicalization Event
When a Syndicate’s influence is low, there is a higher chance for this event to trigger. When it does, a pawn is spawned, and proceeds to attempt defecting from the Syndicate, but not without attempting to call-to-arms other pawns to follow in their lead.
Real-Time Based Aging
To simulate time passing, every 5 days translates into one year in the game. Champion Mode players choose their age at spawn (with age restrictions based on race), and over time can see themselves grow stronger as they grow to their prime, and weaker as they pass their point of decline. Eventually, all creatures grow elderly and perish. The same fate goes to structures that go untended to over time, leaving them to crumble and return to the elements that born them.
Rebellion Event
When a Syndicate’s influence is low, there is a higher chance for this event to trigger. When it does, a group of pawn break off from your populace and become hostile. They will begin to attack all other pawns within their original Syndicate. However, governmental pawns and ranked Champion Mode players will have HIGH priority.
Roleplay Level
A leveling system unique to RP servers. When a player has been rewarded with Roleplay Points (RPPs), this level is raised based on the points earned. It acts as a marker for how far the player has advanced, with how many points they’ve garnered throughout the current playthrough. This level is only known to the holding player and administrative figures that examine/probe them in the line of administrative duty.
Roleplay Points
A reward for emotes posted by players after they have reached a certain threshold. They can be used as currency to purchase means of advancing a character or syndicate with heightened capability or unique traits, but can not be exchanged with other players via ordinary means. These can range from permanent stat boosts to stronger persuasion skills, to population growth and even scientific ascension. The more earned, the higher a player’s Roleplay Level, and the more powerful they become.
Science Level
A leveling system that can be improved via RPPs. This enables the ability to unlock different technologies for purchase. The higher it is, the more advanced technology, the Syndicate is capable of producing, if they have the points to purchase, and a library to store the information in.
Stat Points
An arbitrary point that can be distributed towards raising the stat value of either Strength, Endurance, Might, Resistance, Offense and Defense by 1.
True Death Phoenix System
When a character dies or a Syndicate loses all of its influence, they are given the option to either remake into new Champion Mode character / Syndicate, or make an entirely new entity. If they opt to ‘Rebirth’, upon completion of their character/syndicate creation, they are compensated with a fourth of the Roleplay Levels / Points that they had on their former play. Otherwise, they will start their new run without compensation.